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Since ancient times, exchange of goods took place across mountains, seas and lands. The salt of Brittany, among others, attracted the people of the North, necessary for the survival of communities, herds, and the preservation of food. On all continents, salt has long been a vector of trade. A slower, more thoughtful and vital way to trade.

Salt was venerated and considered sacred, beyond horizons, beyond borders, as far as Japan, where it is still customary to purify beings and places with this salt. The Celts also shared this very close vision of nature.
People of different lands have, for a long time, sought to connect via creativity and sharing.

TERRES ARTISANES dreams of rediscovering this ancient way of trading through the lens of connection between people and nature. Join us on this journey to discover the things that make our world more beautiful, that enrich our thoughts and our daily lives, to make us more creative and better connected to that which surrounds us.
THE VISION OF TERRES ARTISANES: Original objects from places of origin.

With each product, you will find a detailed description, recounting its roots and those of its artisan, alongside a portrait of those who made it.

We want this adventure to be shared, joyful, full of discoveries, and with respect for people and nature.
Searching for a particular product ? Get in touch and let us know
You’re an artisan with products to share ? We’d love to chat about collaborating !
Discovered an Artisan or product that matches our vision ? We’re always open to suggestions and recommendations !